Monthly Archives: January 2021

1 post

The Great Dance: A Quantum view of Spirituality

A blog post called The Great Dance: A Quantum View of Spirituality by Briana Lantz explains the connection between Quantum Physics and Spirituality as follows:

In its most basic implications, quantum theory (“the nature and behavior of matter and energy on the atomic and subatomic level”) asserts that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In his book Quantum Theology, Diarmuid O’Murchu explains how quantum theory offers a fresh lens through which to view reality:

“In essence, it states that everything we perceive and experience is a great deal more than the initial, external impression we may obtain, that we experience life not in isolated segments, but in wholes (quanta), that these bundles of energy which impinge upon us are not inert, lifeless pieces of matter, but living energies.”

O’Murchu goes on to illustrate quantum physics at work by using the example of a desk, which, at face value, appears to be a lifeless, inanimate object. But if you were to take any fragment of that desk and place it under a high-powered microscope, you would find a sea of miniscule, moving particles. This illustration invites us to view that desk as something that is indeed alive. “The ‘life’ is crystallized in the timber, tightly packed and condensed, but comprising the same particles that make up my body and everything else in the universe,” says O’Murchu, calling to mind the human condition as described in Genesis 3:19: “For we are dust and to dust we shall return.”

If indeed life is pulsing through everything, seen and unseen, that has profound implications for our everyday faith and reformation work. Quantum theory offers a fresh way to view our divinely-oriented place in this universe and echoes a holistic theme throughout Scripture, as seen in 1 Corinthians 12: “There is one body, but it has many parts. But all its many parts make up one body. It is the same with Christ (12:27).” The relationship between quantum theory and spiritual formation inextricably links us with one another, with all of creation, and with God.

The rest of the post can be viewed here: